What will I need to pay?

You need to pay tuition and fees based on your course enrolments at the start of the semester.

If you withdraw from all courses before Tuesday, September 17, your fee assessment will be reduced by 90%.  If you withdraw from any course before Tuesday September 17 , but remain enrolled in at least one other course, you will not be assessed fees for the course you withdraw from.

If you withdraw from any course from September 17 to September 30, your tuition for that course will be reduced by 50%.  If you withdraw from any course after September 30, there is no reduction of fees.

Please see the Finances section of your online student record for a breakdown of your fee assessment.

When do I need to pay?

  • Fall Semester fees are due Tuesday, September 17.

What if I pay late?

  • If you have not paid your fees in full by:
    • Tuesday, September 17: a 5% late payment fee will be added to the unpaid balance of your account and your registration services will be withheld.
    • Friday, November 1: an additional 5% late payment fee will be added to the unpaid balance of your account.
    • Friday, December 6 (The last day of the Fall Semester classes): you will be withdrawn from any future course enrolments in the Spring and Summer Semesters.

How do I pay?

  • Online banking is the preferred method of payment.
    Your account number is your Vancouver Island University student number.
  • For other payment options including payments from outside Canada, use “PayMyTuition” in the finance section of your online student record.
  • Student sponsorship: please ensure your sponsor emails your sponsorship letter to the Accounts Receivable department (acctsrec@viu.ca) before the first day of the semester.
  • Learn more about payment options.